Holaplay Privacy Policy – ​​Member Information to Note

The privacy policy is the foundation of trust between Holaplay and its members. We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information with advanced security technologies, while ensuring your rights to access, edit and control your personal information.

What is the privacy policy?

A privacy policy is an important legal document that explains how an organization or business collects, uses, shares, and protects the personal information of its users, customers, partners, or employees.

Privacy policies in the online gambling industry are extremely important, especially due to the sensitive nature of the financial and personal information involved. Specifically:

  • Build absolute trust: With users and customers.
  • Minimize legal risks: Related to the use and sharing of personal data.
  • Reputation protection: Of the organization or bookmaker doing betting business.
  • Gain a competitive advantage: By putting customer privacy first.

Details of Holaplay’s privacy policy

The house is committed to protecting player information comprehensively and fully complying with legal regulations on data protection. Holaplay’s privacy policy includes the following details:

Purpose of information collection

To ensure the best experience for players, Holaplay collects information to:

  • Verify player identity, age, and address to ensure legitimacy.
  • Deposit/withdrawal transactions are processed quickly and are always maximally protected.
  • Experience superior customer service that is personalized to best meet your needs.
  • Bring you useful information about promotions, upcoming events, and new products.
  • Detect and prevent fraudulent activities, and money laundering, and ensure fairness in the game.

Types of information that the bookmaker collects and protects

Holaplay collects and protects the following types of information:

  • Personal information: Full name, date of birth, email address, phone number, bank account information.
  • Transaction information: Deposit/withdrawal history, bet amount, win/loss results.
  • Account login information: Username, corresponding password, IP address.
  • Information of the device used: Device type, operating system, web browser.

Member rights and obligations in Holaplay privacy policy

Customer rights when participating in betting at the house in the privacy policy : 

  • Control your information: The bookmaker allows you to freely manage your personal information, including updating, editing and deleting data, through your personal account or by contacting the support staff.
  • Opting out of promotional communications: You may opt out of receiving promotional communications by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each communication.
  • Complaints about the collection and use of your personal information: You can send a complaint to customer support and the system will process the complaint as soon as possible.

In addition to their rights, members must seriously fulfill the following obligations:

  • Provide accurate and complete information: Members are responsible for providing accurate and complete personal information in accordance with legal identification documents. 
  • Account information security: Never share or provide your personal betting account information to anyone, even relatives or acquaintances.
  • Compliance with regulations: Compliance with regulations not only helps you avoid unnecessary trouble but also contributes to building a healthy and fair betting environment for everyone.

Rights and obligations of Holaplay bookmaker

Holaplay is committed to protecting the information and rights of customers as stated in the privacy policy through the following actions:

  • Committed to protecting members’ personal information with advanced technical and organizational measures, such as data encryption, firewalls and 24/7 monitoring systems.
  • All information is strictly confidential, preventing threats from cyber attacks, data theft and viruses.
  • All your personal information will be strictly protected by the privacy policy and will only be shared with authorized third parties when necessary, in full compliance with current legal regulations.
  • The bookmaker is constantly striving to improve its security system and enhance service quality to provide customers with the safest and most reliable betting experience. We regularly update our security policies to meet the latest standards and requirements.

Member privacy policy violations

Compliance with the privacy policy is a mandatory requirement for all members to ensure the safety and security of information for both individuals and the community. However, there are still some violations that need to be identified and handled promptly.

Declaring inaccurate or false information

Declaring inaccurate or falsified information is a serious violation that affects the verification and management of members. This not only makes it difficult to contact and support the administration but also poses a risk of information abuse, causing damage to related parties.

Disclosing betting account information to others

Each member account is created for personal use, sharing account information with others is a serious violation of the privacy policy. This action can lead to loss of account control, theft of personal information, and even exploitation to commit illegal acts.

Committing any act of fraud or deception

Any fraudulent or deceptive behavior is strictly prohibited in the privacy policy. This includes using false information to defraud others, taking advantage of promotions for personal gain, or engaging in other illegal activities.

Create multiple virtual accounts to make illegal profits

Creating and using multiple accounts for personal gain is a serious violation of the privacy policy. This behavior causes imbalance and unfairness in the community and affects the operation and reputation of the administration.

High-performance complaint handling process

The bookmaker is committed to providing the best customer experience, including a quick and efficient complaint resolution process. Below is Holaplay’s optimal complaint resolution process, to ensure customer satisfaction and trust:

Receiving complaints

The Holaplay bookmaker’s complaint resolution process begins with receiving complaints through various channels such as phone, email, online chat, or website form. All customer information and complaint content will be recorded fully and accurately.

Classification and transfer

Complaints are then triaged by severity and area. Triage is designed to prioritize those that have a significant financial or customer experience impact, while ensuring all issues are considered fairly and objectively.

Verify and investigate

Next, the bookmaker will investigate and verify the complaint by collecting information from the system, transaction history, and game data. If necessary, the bookmaker will contact the customer directly to clarify information or request additional evidence.

Propose, implement solutions, and follow up

After comparing the information, the betting site will make a decision based on the rules and terms. The settlement result will be notified in writing to the customer, clearly explaining the reasons and basis for the decision, and guiding the next steps if necessary.

24/7 Contact Channel – Resolve all member inquiries

Holaplay always accompanies members anytime, anywhere, ready to support and answer all questions through various communication channels:

Live Chat

With just one click, you can chat directly with Holaplay’s team of professional and experienced consultants. You will receive quick and accurate responses to all your questions.


Our friendly and enthusiastic staff will listen and answer all your questions in detail and in an easy-to-understand way. The hotline is a great choice when you need urgent support or want to talk directly to the staff.


For complex issues or detailed information requests, you can email Holaplay. We are committed to responding to all emails as soon as possible, providing the most comprehensive and complete solution to all your problems.

Social network

You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Telegram to not miss any important information. Additionally, you can also contact us via direct message on these platforms for quick support.


Holaplay is constantly striving to improve its security system and enhance service quality, bringing you a safe and reliable online betting experience. We encourage you to carefully read Holaplay’s privacy policy to understand your rights and obligations.